Get the world's most effective email protection, made radically easy!

Email attacks are getting more complex and dangerous.

Email attacks are increasingly complex, with many designed to target specific users and sneak past email security gateways. Stay ahead of cyber criminals to protect your business and data.

Get protected against all 13 email threat types.

Email Protection provides the most comprehensive protection against all 13 email threats types, from spam and ransomware to socially engineered threats such as spear phishing, business email compromise, hacks and direct injection account takeover.   Microsoft 365 Spam Protection!

43% of organizations
have fallen victim to a spear phishing attack
1 in 7
have experienced an account takeover
ransomware losses in 2019 alone



Prevention is a zero trust approach and all emails are analyzed preventing email attacks from getting through by combining email gateway defenses.



Global network communicating to identify email threats that can cause damage to your systems with smart blocking!



Regular reports on handled threats and automated responses including action taken.
Simple Pricing

The pricing model is simple.    $36/year per person.    

Example:  You will Protect 20 users for an entire year at a cost of $720.00

No upsells so the product actually protects like it needs to, Security update magic all inclusive.  This approach is different as most create a maze of menu pricing options. Simple, effective email protection!

Get Email Protection

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